August Received Postcards

August was a decent month for receiving postcards. I’ve noticed an overall trend of getting a lot more cards from Malaysia than I feel like I used to. I’m not sure if this is because I joined Postcard United. I have noticed that different countries seem to be represented more there versus PostCrossing. Overall I received 24 postcards in August. Here is the country breakdown.

September Sent Postcards

This post is so overdue. Life has been life, ya know? But I wanted to put it up anyway. Hopefully my August sent and August received posts will be following in short order. In September I only sent 15 postcards, almost 1/3 of which went to China. That’s not normally such a popular country. Here’s the breakdown.

August Sent Postcards

August Sent Postcard Breakdown

Hi everyone! This post is going up a little late, but here is my sent postcard roundup for the month of August. Last month I sent out a total of 21 postcards to 13 different countries. Here’s the breakdown;

Brief Postcard United and Postcard Hub Review

After trying out Postcard United and Postcard Hub for a couple of months I can let you guys know what I think. Postcard United gets a thumbs up from me. It is a lot like PostCrossing with an uglier interface. I think you climb the ladder of how many traveling postcards you can have a little faster on Postcard United, so in that way it’s better than PostCrossing.

Postcard Hub, on the other hand, I cannot reccomend. With PostCrossing and Postcard United postcards you send “expire” after 60 days. This means if it is not registered by then you simply don’t get credit for sending it and a slot will open back up to send a new one to someone else.

Postcards you send on Postcard Hub, however, never expire. So, I am stuck with three postcards that have been traveling for 86 or 117 days and I can’t send anymore. I could resend them and risk sending out multiple cards to someone who has decided this isn’t their thing and is never going to register them, but that kind of sucks the fun out of it. I could message the people asking them to register the ID without having recieved the card, but I think that’s unfair. I think I’ll just stop using the site and stick to Postcard United and PostCrossing. If they ever reconsider this policy I would try the site again.

Sent Postcard Photos

July Recieved Postcard Roundup

This month I recieved 29 postcards from 13 different countries. Germany dominated, as usual. Notably I got a card this month from South Korea for the first time I believe. I also recieved two cards from PostCrossing meetups. Those were fun because they came with a bunch of signatures on the back, like a yearbook.

It was hard to pick a favorite this month with so many nice cards. The viewcard from Taiwan that I set as the featured image speaks to me for some reason. So beautiful!

I also really enjoyed the card of a stork from Ukraine. The sender not only told me about what meaning storks hold in their culture (good luck – similar to, but different from the U.S. where they bring babies), they also went through the trouble of getting a matching stork stamp! I love when people follow a theme or clearly put a lot of thought into what they send.

Now that I’m amassing quite a few postcards recieved, I am trying to decide what to do with all of them. All the postcards from before my hiatus from sending them ended up getting tossed when we moved and I regret doing that. These ones I have photos of, but I would still like to keep them for the messages, and because a photo isn’t the same as having the tactile experience of a postcard. I need a cute box I think, unless anyone has a better idea??

July Sent Postcard Roundup

In July I sent a total of 29 postcards to 17 different countries. Here is the breakdown;

You’ll see quite a few DC Comics cards going out this month. I have a box of 100 cards and have come to realize that people don’t often request comic book or superhero related cards. In an effort to finally send some off, I tried whenever possible to match someone’s wishlist to one of them. For example, the Batman card went to someone who loves cars, and the Supergirl card went to someone who requested “girls with cats.” Someone else requested tentacles! I love odd requests.

The toughest one to send off this month is the one from Cusco. I got that one on my honeymoon in Peru, so it’s not like I’ll be getting another one any time soon. I felt like I clicked with the profile though, and the person requested anything to do with fibercrafts, so I know it is off to a good home.

June Recieved Postcard Roundup

This post is a little late because of the July 4th holiday. Hubby was off work from the 3rd to the 7th and we have been spending lots of family time.

This month was a little light as far as postcards recieved. I recieved a total of 17 postcards from 14 different countries.

Most notable was a card I recieved from Austrailia because it was a little disappointing. I don’t recieve a lot of cards from Austrailia and this one was sent in an envelope with a typed generic message advertising the person’s postcard selling buisness stickered on. The card itself was nice, but it seemed a little tacky to send out a generic advertisement for your own business.

There were plenty of nice cards this month, however. I got cards featuring coffee, tea, and a few large letter “Greetings from” cards that I love so much!

And since I know some of you like to see all the global stamps, here they are!

June Sent Postcard Roundup

This month I sent a total of 32 postcards to 18 different countries. I sent out one of my absolute favorite postcards this month from when I lived in Salem. It was tough to part with, but I just felt a connection with this person’s profile and knew they would love it. They did! I’m glad it went to someone who apprecited it like I did. I also got a couple of blank profiles. For these I send a basic “Greetings from Massachusetts” card. I’m never quite sure what to write to these people and it often turns into a rambling mess.

To San Francisco. The profile asked to send something strange.
To Germany
To Brazil
To Poland
To The Philippines
To India
To Hong Kong
To Germany
To Minnisota. This one was especially difficult to part with, but I really jived with the profile and I know she will love it.
To Germany
To Switzerland
To The Netherlands
To Germany
To Hawaii
To Australia
To California
To Louisiana
To China
To The United Kingdom
To Germany
To Canada
To Russia
To Poland
To Estonia
To Ohio
To India
To Finland
To Belgium
To The Netherlands
To Russia
To Germany
To Taiwan

May Postcard Roundup

In May I recieved a total of 24 postcards between PostCrossing, Postcard Hub and Postcard United. My most notable card this month was from Finland. It featured coffee beans and was actually scratch and sniff! Here is the country breakdown for the cards I recieved this month.

Here they are in no particular order.

For anyone who is interested, I also photographed the stamps on each card. These are also in a random order.

That’s it! May was a pretty good month in terms of happy mail. I like this roundup format and I may start doing it with my sent cards as well instead of having 2-3 posts a month for those.

Postcard United Mailbox Drop

I have been swapping postcards on PostCrossing for quite a few years at this point. Today I decided to do a Google search to see if there was anything else out there and I found a couple of new to me postcard swapping websites! The one I just signed up for is called Postcard United and works pretty much the same was as PostCrossing. One great difference I noticed was that there seem to be different countries that are popular on Postcard United versus PostCrossing. I was excited to get started and sent out my maximum number of cards which is seven.

These cards are going to Germany, Turkey, South Korea, Brazil, 2 to Indonesia, and one to the US.


Mailbox Drop

That’s what I’ve decided to call these posts about my outgoing PostCrossing cards. I know there’s not a whole lot of interest in these particular posts, but it makes it easier to part with some of my favorite cards if I have some kind of record of them so I’m going to post them anyway. Haha.

I’ll do a post whenever I send some out. I like to do 10 at a time, so you’ll see a post whenever 10 slots open up.

Here we have cards going out to Belgium, Switzerland, the U.K., France, Germany, Poland, South Korea, the Netherlands, and the U.S.

My favorite of this bunch is the Maine map card. I have two of them and will likely be back to Maine, so it wasn’t hard to send. The hardest to part with was Nashville because I know I’ll probably never get any more of those.

I am going to start posting my incoming cards as well. Those I plan to post once monthly with all the cards I received that month.